Below are Amelia Easterling and Lee Ann Wayland at the total station, with Mark Vadas holding the stadia rod in the background.
Sometimes trees get in the way; shown here is Mark Vadas bending a medium-sized sweetgum out of the way for a total station reading.
In the video below are Hallie Johnson, Sydney DePalma, and Allen Wilson re-excavating the backfilled unit from last year's dig; also shown are Linda Geary and Danielle Dadiego.
The photo below shows Hallie Johnson and Danielle Dadiego working to get the last remnants of backfill from the 2009 unit; also pictured are Allen Wilson, Sydney DePalma, and Linda Geary.
Despite our short day, waterscreening the wall-cleaning from one shovel test produced a nice decorated potsherd that appears to be Wakulla Check Stamped, straddling the line between the Late Woodland and Early Mississippi periods (somewhere around a thousand years ago).
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